Touch ‘+’ button on Friends tap.
Your friends can be added and invited by Facebook and Kakao Talk.
1. Facebook & Contacts
When the contacts can not be scanned, find your friends with their iSharing IDs.
2. Kakao Talk
Only ‘Invite friends’ is allowed on Kakao talk. Once invited, your friends can be added on your list.
Touch a recently added friend.
Now it’s time to set a privacy level on your new friend.
(My current location can be shown or hidden by setting up privacy levels on each friend.)
Set up Privacy Level with both you (A) and your friend (B)
(Like a logic of Facebook’s Add friend - Confirm)
Therefore, Sharing locations will never work if A requests but B doesn’t confirm.
This is how iSharing works.
+! Keep in mind that iSharing considers your privacy a high priority.
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